Brittleby’s Corner is a blog devoted to organic living. Britney Minor the author, loves to feature product reviews form companies who use sustainable resources and make their products in the USA. Mother of two she vows to live her life “Simple and Organic” and through her blog she displays that going green is not as hard as it seems.
So naturally, Brittleby recently featured KeriCure’s Natural Seal Liquid Bandage. We were thrilled to hear how great Natural Seal works for her as a crafty mom when she gets cuts in hard to cover areas. Britney wrote, “I look forward to using this on my kids when scrapes and cuts happen in those awkward places” and shared a photo of herself with Natural Seal in action.
Check out Brittleby’s Corner for more Organic Living products to make your life Simple and Organic!
“Natural Seal is a water based formula that can even help alleviate rashes and irritations. The formula is also preservative free, BPA free, and GMO free. It is even Vegan friendly! Natural Seal is made in the USA and it helps eliminate the need for bandages, which in turn end up in our landfills.” – Britney Minor author of Brittleby’s Corner Blog